
class faker.providers.profile.Provider(generator: Any)

Bases: BaseProvider

This provider is a collection of functions to generate personal profiles and identities.

profile(fields: List[str] | None = None, sex: Literal['M', 'F', 'X'] | None = None) Dict[str, str | Tuple[Decimal, Decimal] | List[str] | date]

Generates a complete profile. If “fields” is not empty, only the fields in the list will be returned


>>> Faker.seed(0)
>>> for _ in range(5):
...     fake.profile()
{'job': 'Musician', 'company': 'Williams-Sheppard', 'ssn': '498-52-4970', 'residence': 'Unit 5938 Box 2421\nDPO AP 33335', 'current_location': (Decimal('52.958961'), Decimal('143.143712')), 'blood_group': 'B+', 'website': ['http://www.rivera.com/', 'http://grimes-green.net/', 'http://www.larsen.com/'], 'username': 'leeashley', 'name': 'Gary Cross', 'sex': 'M', 'address': '711 Golden Overpass\nWest Andreaville, OH 44115', 'mail': 'tamaramorrison@hotmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1942, 6, 27)}
{'job': 'Chemist, analytical', 'company': 'Yates, Stewart and Allen', 'ssn': '189-25-3060', 'residence': '1122 Megan Squares Suite 848\nPort Jason, TX 77807', 'current_location': (Decimal('22.588068'), Decimal('131.221390')), 'blood_group': 'AB+', 'website': ['https://nguyen.info/', 'https://www.smith.com/', 'http://cook.com/', 'http://www.montoya.net/'], 'username': 'myersmitchell', 'name': 'Madison Obrien', 'sex': 'F', 'address': 'Unit 0903 Box 2173\nDPO AP 08507', 'mail': 'stephenschristine@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1917, 3, 29)}
{'job': 'Building surveyor', 'company': 'Turner, Graham and Brown', 'ssn': '479-06-9773', 'residence': '45792 Tammy Centers Apt. 258\nDavidmouth, TN 23414', 'current_location': (Decimal('-86.4556435'), Decimal('73.201966')), 'blood_group': 'O+', 'website': ['https://king.com/', 'https://www.campbell.com/', 'https://arroyo.com/'], 'username': 'hollymoore', 'name': 'Ronald Miller', 'sex': 'M', 'address': '9606 Barton Station Apt. 271\nJacquelinemouth, NC 64367', 'mail': 'hensontroy@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(2006, 4, 19)}
{'job': 'Arts administrator', 'company': 'Lopez-Key', 'ssn': '649-11-2139', 'residence': 'Unit 6650 Box 3008\nDPO AP 13317', 'current_location': (Decimal('-38.8738015'), Decimal('-116.163958')), 'blood_group': 'B-', 'website': ['https://www.alvarez.com/', 'http://marsh-wilson.com/', 'http://wiggins.com/'], 'username': 'sheena09', 'name': 'Melanie Grant', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '658 Jared Radial Suite 022\nMathewstad, VT 12783', 'mail': 'kimberly00@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1928, 2, 16)}
{'job': 'Television production assistant', 'company': 'Ward-Hays', 'ssn': '133-38-1883', 'residence': '42814 Houston Hills\nRodriguezside, PW 63569', 'current_location': (Decimal('37.2396545'), Decimal('0.968737')), 'blood_group': 'AB-', 'website': ['https://www.jimenez.com/'], 'username': 'joneschristopher', 'name': 'Jaime Villegas', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '0168 West Overpass\nSouth Christopher, IN 34699', 'mail': 'ryanhoward@gmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(2004, 6, 20)}
simple_profile(sex: Literal['M', 'F', 'X'] | None = None) Dict[str, str | date | Literal['M', 'F', 'X']]

Generates a basic profile with personal informations


>>> Faker.seed(0)
>>> for _ in range(5):
...     fake.simple_profile()
{'username': 'ysullivan', 'name': 'Jason Green', 'sex': 'M', 'address': '9382 Taylor Court Suite 892\nCoreyland, MH 90152', 'mail': 'thomas15@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1945, 10, 18)}
{'username': 'davismary', 'name': 'Mrs. Sharon Green', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '753 Padilla Circles\nNew Jeffrey, AS 19178', 'mail': 'udavis@hotmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(2024, 11, 19)}
{'username': 'lisa83', 'name': 'Juan Mann', 'sex': 'M', 'address': 'USNV Wallace\nFPO AP 50950', 'mail': 'barbara42@gmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(2004, 5, 29)}
{'username': 'sheltondavid', 'name': 'Mary Alvarez', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '86848 Melissa Springs\nRileymouth, NM 87040', 'mail': 'christopher91@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1977, 3, 21)}
{'username': 'thorntonnathan', 'name': 'David Dennis', 'sex': 'M', 'address': '12309 Anthony Roads Apt. 991\nDavisville, AZ 79865', 'mail': 'leetara@hotmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1923, 6, 29)}